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New World, New Education.
New Education, New World.

Empowering Learners and Educators

thriving towards Positive Change

Become a Schoolution Creator

On the path of becoming a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, Schoolution is searching for experts in the field of decentralized platform building, web development or programming. As Schoolution is a non-profit organization, there are currently no funds to pay salaries (donation pool will be available soon to pay the fix costs and development platforms transparently).


As for the founder of Schoolution, the salary is being payed on a spiritual level, sourcing energy out of the creation of a problem solving platform in times of existential crisis. When joining the team of creators, you will be mentioned in the 'Creators' page found in the footer.


If you feel the drive to participate in the decentralized project of Schoolution and to contribute to the mitigation of, and adaptation to the challenges of our time through education, get in contact

Rules of Content Creation
  • Only scientifically founded materials towards the mitigation of, and adaptation to the challenges of our time.

  • No discriminatory content of any form

  • Only PDF's named as follows in different languages: ​
    Age14-17_Title of Material_Developer (if desired).pdf â€‹


Coming Soon:​
  • Video Uploads

  • Audio Uploads

Decentralized File Share System

From people, for people, towards a better world.

This decentralized collection of school materials is for educational agents from around the world to prepare children for the new and uncharted world awaiting them.


While there a still folders to be filled, this pool aims to grow into a collection for educational materials towards sustainable development.

Education boarding the train of Decentralization

More and more sectors are boarding the train of decentralization. Flat-share platforms such as AirBnB have revolutionized hospitality by enabling individuals to participate in the market by renting out their slats. Car-sharing platforms such as Uber revolutionized transportation by enabling individuals to participate in the m, blockchains such arevolutionized data storage. 

Benefits of Decentralized Education

While the superiority of decentralized systems over centralized systems are similar across all sectors, decentralized education is one example of the amazing transformative power of decentralization. 

Empowered Learners

To support individuality and counteract homogeneity, decentralization allows for personalized and customized learning experiences. It empowers learners to have more control over their education, enabling them to choose their learning path, pace, and content. By leveraging decentralized platforms, students and educators can access a wide range of resources and educational opportunities tailored to their individual needs and interests.

Access to Quality Education

Decentralization can help overcome geographical barriers and increase access to quality education. It enables the sharing of educational resources, expertise, and best practices across different regions and communities. Online platforms and decentralized networks provide opportunities for individuals, regardless of their location, to access high-quality educational content and connect with expert educators.

Lifelong Learning and Continuous Improvement

Decentralization encourages a culture of lifelong learning and continuous improvement. It supports the development of learning communities where individuals can engage in ongoing education, professional development, and knowledge-sharing. Decentralized platforms facilitate networking and collaboration among learners, educators, and experts, fostering a dynamic learning ecosystem.

Cost Efficiency and Affordability 

Decentralization can lead to cost efficiencies in education. By leveraging online platforms and decentralized resources, educational institutions can reduce infrastructure costs and expand access without compromising quality. Additionally, decentralized systems can enable the development of open educational resources (e.g. Schoolution Materials) and collaborative content creation, reducing the financial burden on learners for access to learning materials.

Independent Decision Making

In centralized systems, decision-making authority is concentrated in a single entity or authority. If that entity makes a poor decision or becomes unavailable in times of crises, the system suffers. Decentralization empowers individuals or entities to make independent decisions based on local information and respond to sudden influences.

Empowered Educators

Decentralization empowers educators by granting them more autonomy and flexibility in their teaching practices. It allows them to create and share their educational materials, collaborate with other educators, and experiment with innovative teaching methods. Educators can adapt their approaches to cater to the specific needs of their students, fostering creativity and effective pedagogy.

Increased Resilience

Decentralization distributes power, control, and decision-making processes across multiple entities or individuals. This redundancy reduces the risk of a single point of failure, making systems more resilient to disruptions and crises. By finding local solutions to global problems within education, people are empowered the face the complex, XX and digital future. Become fluid

Learner-Centric Assessment

Decentralizing education allows for different ways of assessing learning that focus more on individual learners and their unique abilities. Instead of relying solely on standardized tests, decentralization encourages alternative assessment methods such as projects, portfolios, and evaluations from peers. This means learners can demonstrate their skills and knowledge in diverse ways, giving a more comprehensive understanding of their capabilities beyond traditional exams.

Community Engagement
and Local Relevance

Decentralization promotes community engagement and local relevance in education. It allows communities to participate in shaping their educational programs and curriculum, considering their specific cultural, social, and economic contexts. Decentralized education systems facilitate collaboration between schools, parents, local organizations, and community members, ensuring education aligns with community needs.

Strengthened Diversity

Decentralized education allows for participation from diverse entities or individuals. This diversity reduces the reliance on a single entity or authority. Each participant contributes their resources, knowledge, and expertise to the system. If one participant fails, the system can continue to operate using the contributions of other participants.

Towards the
Decentralization of Education

Let us collectively strive to new educational horizons, leaving behind the harmful old and building something wonderful new. United in tolerance, diversity and sustainable development, towards regional individuality to counteract homogeneity and the solidity of centralized failure.




Unite behind objective science.


Support critical thinking and the freedom of thought and action


Move towards equity and harmony with other people, species and ecosystems

About the Instructor

My name is Paul, I am 24 years old and I live in Hamburg, Germany.

Driven by the pressing challenges of climate change and digitalization, and the absence of a simultaneous reform in public education, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Global Responsibility & Leadership with a strong emphasis on education for sustainable development. With interdisciplinary exploration of global issues as a central philosophy, my study focused on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. 


As someone who has personally experienced the addictive power of screen technologies, I am deeply committed to exploring and mitigating their negative impacts on individuals, society, and the environment. 

In my free time, I love outdoor activities such as skateboarding or hiking, spending time with loved ones, or thinking about post-climate change scenarios and how we can work together to bring them to life. Inspirational authors like Yuval Noah Harari and Sushana Zuboff shape my thinking. I'm passionate about transforming school systems and educating children to live conscious and self-determined lives in a rapidly evolving world.


Paul Kramer

Advocate for Sustainable Development

B.Sc Global Responsibility and Leadership

  • LinkedIn

You feel the urge to do good in this decisive period of human existence?

Then roll out your skills and knowledge to generations to come. 

Offer your own creative workshop or seminar at educational facilities

about any topic or practice that complies with the Compass of Schoolution.

Towards the decentralization of education!



On the path of mitigating and adapting to the global challenges ahead, it needs local pioneers that start normalizing new thinking patterns and equipping the youth with the necessary skills to understand and juggle the many challenges they face.

Über Paul


  • Bachelor 'Global Responsibility & Leadership' mit Fokus auf Digitaler Disruption an der Universität Groningen.


  • Aus Hamburg.

  • Enthusiast für nachhaltige Bildung

  • Personally experienced the addictive power
    of screen technologies.


  • Longboard Freestyle (@longoskate)

  • Kendama

  • Langstreckenwandern

  • Ermächtigung von Kindern


Paul Kramer

Verfechter für Nachhaltige Entwicklung

B.Sc Global Responsibility & Leadership

  • LinkedIn


Schoolution is a decentralized community platform to adapt educational systems to today's global challengesIt asks 'What do we want to want?' and bridges the gaps between outdated educational systems and the evolving scientific reality. Supporting diverse and grounded lives in unprecedented times, Schoolution is growing into a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), with a fixed value compass.

It is the mission of Schoolution to educate and unite people towards global citizenship, responsibility and the ability of handling crises. The climate crisis, influences from digital worlds or rising social inequality are some of the pressing issues that require a new generation of educators, critical thinkers and problem solvers. Schoolution seeks to empower learners and educators to promote self-determined, fulfilling and sustainable lives in an increasingly complex, uncertain and digital future.



Schoolution ist eine dezentrale Plattform zur Anpassung von Bildungssystemen an die globalen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Sie stellt die Frage 'Was wollen wir wollen?' und überbrückt die Lücken zwischen veralteten Bildungssystemen und der sich entwickelnden wissenschaftlichen Realität

Um vielfältige und bewusste Lebensweisen in beispiellosen Zeiten zu unterstützen, entwickelt sich Schoolution zu einer Dezentralisierten Autonomen Organisation (DAO) mit einem festen nachhaltigen Wertekompass.

Die Mission von Schoolution ist es, Menschen für den globalen Zusammenhalt, Verantwortung und den Umgang mit Krisen zu sensibilisieren und zu vereinen. Die Klimakrise, Einflüsse aus digitalen Welten oder soziale Ungleichheiten sind große Herausforderungen, die eine neue Generation von Pädagog*innen, kritischen Denker*innen und Problemlöser*innen erfordern. Schoolution unterstützt, Lernende und Pädagog*innen darin, selbstbestimmte, sinnerfüllte und nachhaltige Leben in einer zunehmend komplexen, digitalen und unsicheren Zukunft zu leben und zu fördern.


For Everyone

Let us make education inklusive and participative. To show children the diversity of wonders of life, spread your ideas and enter the train of decentralizing education.


For Teachers

Teachers are the most important actors in mitigating and adapting society to the world ahead. However, the UNESCO estimates that by 2030, 69 Million Teachers will be missing worldwide. For the future of humanity, let us turn educational facilities into purposeful, evolving, participative and appealing work environments!

For Schools:

While solid structures, burocracy or centralized failure are inhibiting many schools to grow into their full potential, become a pioneer 

For Cangemakers

You want to become active in this decisive period of human existente? Then be an agent of positive change and contribute to the birth of new education worldwide. 

For Parents

Unite around our children and empower them with the knowledge and skills they need in today's unprecedented times.

For Students:


For Institutions

Connect with educational facilities to inspire children with your individual work environment. 

Schoolution Genres

Coming Soon:

  • Decentralized Genre Voting

Schoolution genre are organizing all topics and contents on

Climate Crisis


Social mitigation and adaptation, causes and effects of climate change...

Digital Worlds


Smartphone addiction, Instrumentarianism, Natural Disconnection, Metaverses...

Unity & Harmony 


Speciesism, Global Citizenship, War, Patriarchy...



Eco Anxiety, Rebellion, Critical Thinking, Purpose in times of crises....



Diversity, Trends, Culture, Sustainable behaviour, Questioning Religion...

Equity & Justice


Poverty, Sexism, Gender Pay Gap, Racism Homophobia, Classism...

Handeling of Crises


Individual and collective handling of crises in a global and regional context...

Artificial Intelligence


Biases, Superiority, Changing Work Environment, Artificial Relationships...



Blockchains, Cryptocurrencies, Wealth distribution...

Politics, Governance & Economy


Democratization, Inflation, Freedom of Speech...



Animal Products, Mass Production, 

Cities & Energy


Solar Energy, Sustainable Building...



Psychological health, Physical health



Envisioning new normalities, Upholding happyness in a decaying world, exploring the future of science, future human zivilisation 



Biodiversity loss, Desertification, Extreme Weather and more...



Balance between unified values and autonomous freedom, Anarchism, Freedom parenting...

Decentralized Education

To support cognitive diversity and invite better forms of education, Schoolution strives to shape flurishing learning contexts by decentralizing educational systems.

United in mitigating and adapting to the challenges ahead, towards supporting local ideas and projects. 

Benefits of Decentralized Education:
Empowered Learners

To support individuality and counteract homogeneity, decentralization allows for personalized and customized learning experiences. It empowers learners to have more control over their education, enabling them to choose their learning path, pace, and content. By leveraging decentralized platforms, students and educators can access a wide range of resources and educational opportunities tailored to their individual needs and interests.

Strengthened Diversity

Decentralized education allows for participation from diverse entities or individuals. This diversity reduces the reliance on a single entity or authority. Each participant contributes their resources, knowledge, and expertise to the system. If one participant fails, the system can continue to operate using the contributions of other participants.

Empowered Educators

Decentralization empowers educators by granting them more autonomy and flexibility in their teaching practices. It allows them to create and share their educational materials, collaborate with other educators, and experiment with innovative teaching methods. Educators can adapt their approaches to cater to the specific needs of their students, fostering creativity and effective pedagogy.

Read about how Schoolution is on it's way of becoming a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) here.

Schoolution Community

Together we are strong. Let us unite and collectively fight for the societal mitigation and adaptation of todays global challenges.




Join or create a Schoolution community in your area to plan projects together towards the postive transformation of education


Schools with the World

Connect external projects and institutions to educational systems with the mission to root students into our rapidly evolving world.



Wether you are a Kindergarden, School, Retirement Home or Elderly Community, connect here.




Join or create an online Schoolution community to connect with people from around the world.


Schools with Nature

To enrich children's lives with objectivity, connecting schools with natural reserves, parks or private lands


Wether you are a Kindergarden, School, Retirement Home or Elderly Community, connect here.

School Materials

Decentralized File Share 

Download or create your own school materials to close the gap between outdated school systems and the scientific reality we are living in.

Decentralized Source Collection

Download or create your own school materials to close the gap between outdated school systems and the scientific reality we are living in.


For educators to share or get inspired by the many ways of implementing good knowledge into educational systems.

Example Scenario practical

Download or create your own school materials to close the gap between outdated school systems and the scientific reality we are living in.

Decentralized File Share

Download or create your own school materials to close the gap between outdated school systems and the scientific reality we are living in.

Workshop Portal

To invite good and diverse knowledge fields into educational contexts, the workshop portal of Schoolution is a place to connect individual workshop hosts to educational facilities. 


Bring discussion and knowledge about the global challenges of our time into your classroom by booking a Schoolution workshop!

Currently, the workshops of Schoolution are only held by Paul, the founder of Schoolution, in Hamburg, Germany. However, more workshops will soon be available in other areas of the world as more workshop hosts join the Schoolution community

Schoolution Workshop

Digitale Welten Hinterfragen 

Mit dem Eintritt in das digitale Zeitalter sind Bildschirmtechnologien und digitale Medien weltweit zu einem unverzichtbaren Bestandteil menschlichen Lebens geworden. Diese rasante Entwicklung prägt uns und unsere Kinder in einer Weise, wie wir es noch nicht abschätzen können, und entfernt uns zunehmend von der Natur.


Ziele des Workshops:
  • Die Stärkung einer informierten und bewussten Denkweise, sowie ein neues Bewusstsein für sich und die digitale Welt. 

  • Die Förderung eines gesunden und bewussten digitalen Übergangs für Schüler*innen und sie im eigenen Grundvertrauen mit den Fähigkeiten und dem Wissen auszustatten, die komplexen Herausforderungen des digitalen Zeitalters zu meistern. 

  • Die Entwicklung einer selbstbewussten Abgrenzung des Medienkonsums seines eigenen Umfelds.


Inhalt des Workshops:


  • Durch interaktive und unterhaltsame Übungen werden die Schüler*innen in Diskussionen einbezogen und zur Reflektion ermutigt.

  • Es werden eine Auswahl an wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen beleuchtet und besprochen, welche die negativen Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung verdeutlichen.

  • Es gilt, gemeinsam eine Vision für einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang in der digitalen Welt zu erarbeiten und die Schüler*innen zu inspirieren, selbst zu “Agent*innen” positiver Veränderungen zu werden.

  • Reflektion über die fortschreitende Digitalisierung und die damit einhergehende Entfremdung von der Natur.

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Behaviour Modification

Growing up in a data-driven world where one's behavior is modified to serve others' objectives

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Implications on Human Health

Rising levels of addiction, depression and obesity

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Online Identity

Strategical self-presentation and the discrepancy between our real and online identity

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The challenge to project our personality beyond what a camera can capture


As ecological experiences are replaced by subjective and digital ones, they no longer shape our consciousness

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The influence of

trends, shared digital influences or merging cultures on individual development

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Artificial Intelligence

Fundamentals of AI to understand and anticipate what lies ahead

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Awareness and Critical Thinking

Constructed realities, bubbles or deep fakes require a new critical lense through which to see the world 

Dieser Workshop ist derzeit nur für Schüler*innen der Klassen 7, 8, 9 und 10.

Weitere Altersgruppen folgen bald! ;)

Schoolution Workshop

Unsere Welt in 2023

Während wir das Anthropozän betreten, geprägt von der Klimakrise, dem Zusammenbruch von Ökosystemen, wachsender Ungleichheit oder digitalen Welten, ist dieser Workshop eine Initiative, um Kinder auf die neue und unvorhersehbare Welt vorzubereiten, die auf sie wartet.


Ziel dieses Workshops:


  • Dieser Workshop zielt darauf ab, Schüler*innen die grundlegenden Konzepte der nachhaltigen Entwicklung und die vielfachen globalen Krisen vorzustellen, mit denen unsere Welt heute konfrontiert ist.

  • Durch wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und kritisches Denken möchte ich Resilienz und Anpassungsfähigkeit bei den Schüler*innen aufbauen und sie inspirieren, selbst zu Agent*innen positiver Veränderungen zu werden.

  • Angesichts der Herausforderungen unserer zerfallenden und komplexen Welt ist es entscheidend, dass wir die Fähigkeit entwickeln, die neue Realität zu verstehen und zu interpretieren, in die wir eintreten. 


Inhalte des Workshops:


  • Durch gemeinsame und imaginative Übungen werden die Schüler*innen herausgefordert, sich eine bessere Welt vorzustellen und ihre eigenen Ideen für positive soziale, ökologische, wirtschaftliche und persönliche Veränderungen zu entwickeln.

  • Gemeinsam befassen wir uns mit einer Auswahl von Themen, darunter die Ursachen, Auswirkungen und Lösungen der Klimakrise, Umweltverschmutzung, Formen sozialer Ungleichheit oder gesellschaftliche Homogenisierung durch digitale Einflüsse. 

  • Gesellschaftliche Normalzustände und Denkmuster hinterfragen.

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The Climate Crisis

Causes and effects of the climate crisis, ecological tipping points and positive feedback loops

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Forms of Inequality

Prejudice, discrimination, nationalism, fascism or speciesism between humans and other forms of life

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Biodiversity Loss

Causes and consequences of the decline in the variety of species, ecosystems, and genetic diversity

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Animal Agriculture

70 billion farm animals and the impact on the climate and land use

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Unsustainable consumption and its polluting impact on oceans or air quality

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New SDG Blur.png

Collective roadmap by the United Nations towards ecological and social justice

Sustainable Development Goals
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Digital Blur.png
Influences of Digital Worlds

We immerse ourselves into the uncharted digital landscape without recognizing the long-term impacts

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Test 2b.png
Awareness and Critical Thinking

Becoming aware of the complex challenges of our world and questioning the normalization of harmful trends

Dieser Workshop ist derzeit nur für Schüler*innen der Klassen 7, 8, 9 und 10.

Weitere Altersgruppen folgen bald! ;)

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